
After a mind has found or established an appropriate SandboX bubble-one natural next step is to create a direct connection with the very best project team minds.

Where in the sandboX, no one is the assumed leader, it is up to the explorer to figure out who they connect with within the specific project bubble.

InboX is the tool to figure this out.

The "In" of InboX is short for Interaction. The Inbox is the tool that ensures better connections prior to any interactions.

Connections must be agreed to, on both sides, before any traditional interactions ever happen. There's no way for any mind to bother any other mind in the sandbox. 

InboX exists to protect both sides of any direct interaction. It assumes the worst can happen and is engineered to safeguard both-until each proves they are trustworthy. Trust requires time and experience. The tool helps ensure both sides are legit and not scammers.

[more coming soon]