Alien X
Alien X is best understood as a new tool for today's humanity. It's a tool for tackling the problem of misunderstanding-by improving how humanity does information and communication (infocomm).
Today's world has multiple problems with its infocomm:
Narrative control-who controls what is 'truth' and reality.
Disinformation-the intentional use of inaccurate information.
Misinformation-the spread of unintentional inaccurate information.
Misinterpretation-a mind's wrong understanding being taken from the presented information.
Unawareness-a mind NOT being aware of particular information.
Uncertainty-a mind's inability to discern whether information is accurate or inaccurate.
Translation-NOT having a single solution for translating any language into any other preferred language.
Messaging preference-each mind has different infocomm preferences based on education, culture, generation, experience, beliefs, etc.
Alien X addresses all these problems and more.
At its core, this tool works with honesty vs. 'truth'. Honesty is something any mind can contribute. 'Truth' is not only subjective but impossible to state with absolute certainty of being 100% error-free. Honesty can include error without diminishing its value.
Honesty is directly tied to one's personal understanding and beliefs. No one, other than the mind stating their honesty, can argue or prove the mind's dishonesty.
Alien X introduces a new way of authoring information. This is intended to shift who has the control of the narrative or what is reality and 'truth'. The tool gives the infocomm consumer 100% control. The consumer is the individual mind that will attempt to digest the information-to improve their personal understanding knowledgebase. This knowledgebase is critically important for establishing personal beliefs and for making best daily decisions.
Alien X introduces the innovation it calls group voice. Group voice is generated automatically with a simple math algorithm called algorithm X. Group voice combines the any two or more individual entity voices-be the entities individual minds or groups of minds. The innovation is made possible because of a new infocomm object structure called a list object.
Perhaps the best way to understand a list object is to consider a rank-ordered (prioritized) vertically-oriented list of various logical and intended options. An example should help:
List title: What's most likely going to save humanity?
Honesty-based vs. 'truth'-based infocomm
A new energy discovery
An alien encounter
Colonization of Mars
A new economic system
Quantum computing
A climate change solution
A new governance system
A new type of leadership
A new food source
Thousands of important list objects can exist within the Alien X tool platform. This platform is called Alien X>Change and creates a gaming experience with the tool and new innovations.
Alien X>Change seeks personal list objects from players and delivers player-specified group voice lists back to players. The ultimate goal of every player is to become an X leader who gets socially mirrored by other players. In today's world, this is much the same as becoming an influencer. But in this game influencers are the smartest at understanding the interconnectedness of everything. X leaders don't emerge because of wealth, power, charisma or manipulation of the game.
Alien X introduces a new type of AI called PAIX or Personal Assistive Intelligence X-a much simpler form of AI that helps the individual more than it helps the platform control group. The whole world improves with PAIX vs. just the wealthy platform controllers. The principle is that the whole world finds improvement by helping everyone, especially the least fortunate, trickle up, versus the trinkle down effect that today's world utilizes almost everywhere in society.
PAIX fundamentally saves the user time or generates far-more valuable productivity out of the same time. Productivity that benefits the whole of humanity, especially the future, as much as it benefits the individual. Our world is as bad off as it is because of the two extreme ends of the being human continuum-the most fortunate at one end and the least fortunate at the opposite end. Make everyone more equal and the whole can then improve.
The helpful humans are in the middle. The harmful humans are at either end. The most fortunate being more dangerous than the least fortunate-because the former control what makes the latter do what they are forced to do. This is perhaps the core problem of today's model. The perceived 'good guys' are actually the worst of the 'bad guys'.
Alien X is engineered to help transition from today's failing model to an endlessly sustainable and continuously improving world model.