
What's TAPable

It's a new way handling important information we all need daily to help us make better life decisions.

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TAPable shifts the power in today's world - when it comes to generating, communicating and consuming important information.

In today's world, wealth and power control the narrative. With TAPable, as a new option, you control what you will consume.

The solution allows you to specify who you want authoring the information you will consume for important decision-making knowledge. This can include both individuals and/or groups with much better honest identities. You can generate and compare voices - to get even better understanding with better context.

TAPable finds and emphasizes individual and group voice agreement vs. disagreement. There's always agreement to be revealed - even between combatant minds. Wouldn't it be helpful to understand what we agree on - no matter who is being included in a particular group voice?

TAPable is a signal in noise filter/finder. It minimizes dis and mis-information inclusion within its voice outputs. It's able to do this because it does not allow traditional infocomm practices - where anyone can pretty much say or write anything they want. Instead what can be done is greatly controlled. But even within this tight control - positive creativity is always encouraged, and even rewarded.

TAPable's infocomm object structure

Every voice object is the same - it's a prioritized list of options - from best to least best.

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TAPable employs a new form of infocomm object simply called a voice.

Individual participants create personal voice objects. These then get combined to automatically generate group voice objects.

These objects look most like a numbered priority list of logical fulfillment options - to whatever the voice list seeks response for. The one option that finds its way to the top of all lists is the best option or choice. The one option that makes its way to the bottom of any list is the worst option or choice.

Whenever two or more individual participant voices (lists) are combined then whatever moves to both top and bottom becomes group or grouping agreement. With TAPable, there's a difference between groups and groupings. Groups are established by free-will decision-making of individual participants. Groupings exist simply be better understand informal populations by filtering participants by demographics and/or psychographics. For example, there might be a group that is all about tackling climate change issues. Within this group we can separately establish different grouping voices by gender identity, age group or home base geography (various demographic attribute examples). Or we can do a separate voice by just those members who placed a particular option in the top position (one type of example psychographic). These are grouping voices - mostly used to create even better understanding of reality.

TAPable's voice lists put every participant on an equal playing ground. Each person is exposed to all the same possibility options when tasked with deciding which is best and worst. Better context is established. Also the solution accepts new options all the time and all player lists get updated at the same time. What is not guaranteed is proper understanding of each option. But this is addressed with another innovation called the TAP morph.


An innovation that helps people of all languages, cultures, generations and beliefs - to communicate with less problems and/or misunderstanding resulting.

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Morphs allow players (participants) to customize their personal experience within the TAPable tool. Morphs allow you to present an object or concept as you prefer it to be presented. 

Morphs can be text and/or graphic based digital-presentation objects. For example, the concept of the nation, USA. Some will prefer an image of its flag. Some will prefer the USA acronym. Others United States. Others United States of America. Others evil empire. These are all different morphs of the exact same thing - this specific nation state.

Morphs can exist for any list item and even for the list objective statement or question.

Morphs allow each player to be happier within the tool while keeping everyone more on the same page while playing the game. Morphs also help reduce duplications. TAPable hates duplication and works best without any.

The TAPable list

This is the primary output infocomm object.

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The image above is a typical group voice object that gets automatically created within TAPable.

This example list combined 54 participant lists. 

This demo list responds to this question:

What's going to happen next - to save our world?

This demo limited options to just 20 - for ease of demonstration. Many more could have been included, but we tried to co-create a board sampling of possible list options. Some will even seem crazy to some minds.

The objective was to simply demonstrate how TAPable works.

The results are quite compelling and revealing. The solution clearly establishes two forms of agreement:

Of the 20 options, from the minds of these 54 participants - with their understanding of all the options, at that time of sharing,  the most likely thing that will save our world was:

A new food source is discovered

It's quantitative agreement value was: 72.03 out of 100. If all 52 participants would have place this option at the tops of their lists then the value would have been 100.

Of the 20 options, the agreed least likely option to save the world was:

2nd coming of Christ

It's quantitative agreement value was: 76.80 out of 100. So there was better agreement of what would not save humanity than what would save it.

The list graphic displays the relative values of all 20 options. As options find positions toward the middle of the list they become less clear or less in agreement of what they are understood to be as options.

Of course a new food source has not been found - one may never be discovered. It may be this is more hope than really possible. 

The tool and solution does not exist to predict what will really happen. Instead it exists to present combined thinking - be it realistic (accurate) or not (with understanding error).

It establishes a better starting place for next-steps the group might take.

The top option is not the be-all end-all. It's just a logical starting place for next steps.

If we look at the 2nd most likely agreement option:

A new economic system is adopted

This one is more plausible. It could actually be made reality without needing something that does not exist to be created, like with #1.

So maybe, after initial review of the initial group voice, participants redo their personal lists and move items around that end up altering the old group voice resultant.

This is how TAPable is intended to be used. To help facilitate better understanding of all viable options.